Product Launch

Product Launch

Product Launch

Product Launch

Lessons Learnt

I learnt in this project to involve cross functional teams very early in the project. If we wait until the product is near launch to get key teams onboard (like marketing), it will be an uphill battle. If marketing (for example) is involved early on, they would have more time to prepare launch materials that can have a great impact on the sales team and even customer service.

What I would do differently

For any new product I will be fortunate to help develop, I will try to work with the teams that will market, sell and support the product early on. I will try to build features into the product that helps them do their jobs just as efficiently as we try to solve user problems. An example of this is customer support features. I wouldn't wait until the product breaks to produce troubleshooting guides. I'll get customer support involved before launch to create How-to guides and videos.

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